
Tonu Kalam retires after 36 years of beautiful music

The longtime conductor inspired and challenged the UNC Symphony Orchestra to perform brilliantly.

Black and white image of Tonu Kalam with text reading
Jane Hamborsky摄

Tonu Kalam will step away from the conductor’s podium to retire on June 30.

自1988年以来, the professor in the 文理学院’ music department has guided the UNC Symphony Orchestra to create world-class performances and win a variety of prizes, including first place in the 2012 The American Prize in Orchestral Performance — College/University Division, for the video of its live performance of the Rachmaninoff Symphonic Dances.

The orchestra often presented faculty and student musicians as concerto soloists and regularly collaborated with UNC Opera and choral ensembles on productions such as Britten’s “War Requiem,奥尔夫的《博彩平台》,“ 莫扎特的 ”Così粉丝啧啧,“勃拉姆斯 ”德国安魂曲,” Poulenc’s “Gloria” and the Verdi “Requiem” in Murry Sidlin’s “Defiant Requiem” production.

The orchestra appeared on numerous occasions in Carolina Performing 艺术 series, including performances with world-renowned violinist Gil Shaham of Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concerto in 2015, 菲利普·格拉斯第一号交响曲. 4 in CPA’s “Glass at 80” festival in 2017 and Metropolitan Opera star mezzo-soprano Isabel Leonard in 2020.

卡拉姆的最后一场演唱会 as faculty conductor of the UNC Symphony Orchestra on April 24 included Brahms’ “Schicksalslied, Op. 与博彩平台大学室内歌手和卡罗莱纳合唱团合作.

Kalam also taught conducting courses and coached numerous chamber music ensembles.

在卡拉姆退休之前, the music department solicited congratulatory remarks from students, 校友和教职员工. 这里有一些:

“Thank you for making orchestra an environment where students could completely forget about the anxieties that college naturally comes with, and where we could instead focus solely on creating beautiful music.” — 艾曼·贝贾尼,22岁

“Congratulations on your retirement and your career leading an amazing orchestra and influencing the lives of countless musicians!” — Cheryl Schlitter ’13, cellist, Raleigh Symphony Orchestra

“You are a brilliant musician and an amazing teacher. 博彩平台大学有你真是太幸运了! 这些年我很喜欢和你一起表演. Those concerto concerts were some of my fondest memories! 很难想象博彩平台大学没有你.” — Clara Yang, associate professor, UNC-Chapel Hill music department

祝你退休后好运! I have had great experiences playing under your leadership, and I have learned very much from you. Your impact on our department has been immeasurable.” — Ryan Phillips(24岁)

“I learned so much about being an orchestral musician during my time at UNC, and I apply that experience to my work on a daily basis. I also revel in the moments where I get to program the ‘hidden gem’ pieces you introduced me to for my own orchestra. Thank you for your dedication to the music program at UNC.”  — Erin Lunsford Norton ’15, vice president of artistic planning, New Jersey Symphony